Playhouse Theatre - Home of Dunedin Repertory Society Inc


Our financial members help us to stage productions and look after the Playhouse theatre through their financial contribution, and if they wish, through their involvement on stage or behind the scenes.  We love welcoming new members and seeing new faces around the theatre.

Annual Membership Fees

We require cast members of all productions to become members of the Society.

Membership Benefits

How to become a member

Joining is simple - just fill in our online form and we'll be in touch!

Membership application form »

Please note: our membership period runs from 1 January to 31 December.

2022 Annual General Meeting

The Dunedin Repertory Society's AGM will be held at 7pm on Monday 9 May, at the Playhouse Theatre, 31 Albany Street.

Existing and new members are very welcome! An agenda and documents will be loaded on our website closer to the time.

Nominations for committee roles are now open, in accordance with our Rules (which you can find here). These can be emailed to